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A search for 'Village Of The Damned' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1858 matches in tracks
  1. Village of The Damned (06:31)
    from Essential John Carpenter Film Music Collection, The
  2. Village of the Damned (06:31)
    from Essential John Carpenter Film Music Collection, The
    Composed by John Carpenter and Dave Davies
  3. Village of the Damned - March of the Children (06:35)
    from Definitive Horror Music Collection, The
    composed by John Carpenter and Dave Davies
  4. Life Goes On / Farmers Of The Sea / The Village Of Maud (Native Village) (03:43)
    from Continente Perduto
  5. Village Destructo (Alternate #2)/Village Destroyed Pt. 2 (02:01)
    from Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
  6. The Village of Wind and Meadow - Bherna Village (04:24)
    from Monster Hunter: Rise
  7. "Indian Village" (02:02)
    from Across the Great Divide
    Kids and Zach in Village
  8. Village of Madness (Sleeping Village / The Asylum) (04:09)
    from MediEvil
  9. Le Village Dévasté (The Burned-Out Village) (05:53)
    from Mulan
  10. The Damned (11:08)
    from Jarre By Jarre - Film Themes Of Maurice Jarre
  11. The Damned (11:08)
    from Lawrence Of Arabia
  12. The Damned (11:08)
    from Ryan's Daughter
  13. The Damned (11:08)
    from Doctor Zhivago
  14. The Damned (11:08)
    from Passage To India, A
  15. The Damned (11:08)
    from Witness
  16. The Damned (11:08)
    from Paris Brûle-t-il?
  17. The Damned (11:08)
    from Caduta Degli Dei, La
  18. The Damned (11:08)
    from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
  19. The Damned (11:08)
    from Villa Rides
  20. Damned If I Don't (03:03)
    from Fog Of War: Eleven Lessons From The Life Of Robert S. McNamara, The
Show all 1858 matching tracks